Thursday, June 09, 2005

must post something *digs through piles of things looking for something good to post* Ah here is something that should give you some insight into who I am. there is another one somewhere that I will find and post later....

If I...
If I were a color
I would have to be the perfect gray of the sky
just be fore a storm.

I would be a circle
continuing forever
with no begining
and no end.

I am the annoying squeak
of your sneaker on the cold tile floor.

I am a trillion billion
the number that everyone knows exists,
but no one can ever get to.

I am the kiwi
that you always pass in the supermarket,
until one day you slice into it
and discover how wonderful it is.

I am the star
shining bright in the sky,
until you look away
and I am no more.

-Fall 1999


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